I have been challenged lately by the type of Christianity that we the American Church promote. As I see the next generation of Christians grow more apathetic, I see that we as the church have failed to give them a picture of Jesus that stands for something significant. Instead we have painted a picture that Jesus is found on Sunday's in pews and mid-week bible studies, in fun events that do nothing for those in need. Christianity in America has become a private personal religion, where claiming Christ as savior brings no discomfort or change in life. The problem is that we in America are comfortable, our whole country revolves around our comfort. I drove down a paved road today with nicely painted lines, detailed by neatly manicuring bushes no one owns, and trimmed grass to make our community look beautiful. Yet the world we live in is not beautiful, it's dying and broken. We live in a fake reality of comfort and security. Does anyone feel the same way? It's time to start being a church that refuses to stay comfortable, that refuses to make Jesus a feel good ideal, a set of motivational principles . Christ died a brutal death for a broken and ugly world that we may live a life of love and discomfort for God's glory and God's kingdom! As Americans we are called to live a radical life in a comfortable world, not an easy task, but one we must seek after!!