Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Jesus was a Jew

Time Magazine has come out with "The 10 ideas that are changing the world" at #10 Re-Judaizing Jesus. The new idea that will change the world is that Jesus was a Jew!!! It is no new Idea that Jesus was Jewish, the proposed problem is that we in the western world have taken Jesus and his teachings out of the context of an eastern Jewish culture. The Emergent Church has tended to embrace this philosophy of a Jewish Jesus, yet they have done a pendulum swing from the Evangelical world in that they over emphasis the Jewish context in Jesus' teachings often adding more than what was original intended. The Emergent Church has brought some amazing depth to the teachings of Jesus, yet they have often gone too far. The modern day evangelical church has done Jesus' Jewish culture wrong as well. Evangelicals are often found using a few contextual examples of Jewish culture to support theological ideals backing beliefs and values of our western culture. Is it even possible for us to truly understand the complete context of the 1st century Judaism that Jesus grew up in, and then filter our exegesis of scripture through these ideas. In fact Judaism has changed so much that it only has a small resemblance today to the Judaism that existed during Jesus' day. Even the Jews that lived during the time of Jesus did not understand the meaning of many of His teachings and they were immersed in this ancient eastern culture. Those that did understand Jesus' teachings only understood through the enabling of the Holy Spirit. In Luke 8:10 Jesus states "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you , but to others I speak in parables, so that, though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand." NIV. It seems that every few decades since the time of Jesus we have had new ideas about the meaning of the scriptures, yet these new ideas seem to only support a tolerance to current values or a radical pendulum swing from current culture. No matter through whose eyes the scriptures are seen it is the Holy Spirit that gives us eyes to see and ears to hear. The truths of a fallen world and a human race in need of salvation spans across all cultures and times. What do you think?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Fathers Day
So this year was my first official father's day. I have been hearing the saying "like father like son" a lot lately. My son has a lot of my qualities and characteristics but I don't know if this is so good. I so want my son to copy me but only the God refined traits, there is so much I still wish to work on. It got me thinking about what an amazing challenge it is to be a father. As a father I have the responsibility to represent God the father to my son, what an incredible responsibility. I know that no matter how hard I try to be a Godly man for my son to emulate I will some how mess him up. In life we have all experienced father wounds, some deeper than other's that have lasting effects on how we as men will raise our son's. It is my prayer that as a father I will represent God as a loving father. I praise the Lord that he is the best father we could have, and he is so faithful to show us the genuine love of a father. May we as men continually look to our heavenly father for our example of being Godly dad's to our sons and daughters as we try raise a legacy of God honoring generations to come!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Year 27!!!

So this week I turned 27. I had a birthday week instead of a birthday, I figure why not prolong the celebration of another year of life for a few extra days! I am so blessed as I look back at life and what God has done over the years. I can honestly say I am content and wouldn't want life to be any different.
Here are few things I have learned in my 27 years of life!
1. A Godly life is made in the small moments not the big ones. It's the small ones that prepare you for the bigger stuff.
2. Life is a journey enjoy the scenery, let God be the guide.
3. Don't pick up 200 pound coolers full of soda and water past 27, I threw my back out for the first time in my life, I feel old!
4. Spend time loving those God has given you relationships with you never know when those relationships might end.
5. Being a Dad to my son Caleb and husband to my beautiful wife Angelina is the absolute best gift and stewardship I have ever had. Don't take for granted the precious treasures the lord gives you in this life.
6. Life is not easy, don't expect it be because it is not about you. It's about God!
7. Anyone can be a man, not everyone is a man of God, I deeply desire to be a man that honors Him.
There are way more but just a few I have experienced this last week! On to another year 28 here I come...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I love my wife!!

Tomorrow Angelina and I celebrate our 3 year anniversary!! I am amazed at how quickly time has gone by and how much life has changed, for the better of course. I am even more in love with my wife today than the day I meet her. Her compassion, and loving soul has changed my life forever. I could not imagine a single day with out her by my side living life as a partner in so many things. I thank the lord for such an amazing women to share my life with and to experience all that life has to offer together. I will cherish her all the days of my life. If the first three years have been this great, I can not wait till year 50 or 60!!
Song of Solomon 6:3 "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"
Song of Solomon 6:3 "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"
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