So I always drive past these migrant workers on my way to a spot that I spend time with the Lord, about once a week. It has been getting way cold lately, and I was complaining to myself about the 50 degree weather in San Diego in the middle of January, and there they were as always standing next to this fence. I looked at them like I had never seen them before, how could I miss them, they are always there. If you live in So Cal this is no uncommon sight. Migrant workers are every where, but so often they are invisible to me. I can't help but think that these people are the modern day sinners. As I have been reading the Gospels I have come to realize that the sinners described in the Bible were the marginalized that had no ability to live up to the standard that the elite of the day set, particularly the Pharisees and all their impossible rules. The sinners were the low class, the unacceptable, the foreigners in a strange land, those unable to reach the norm that society set because of circumstances beyond their control, they were the invisible. And the Pharisees were the ones who were to smug to care... they drive past them in their New Nissan Titans on their way to church to sit in an office and think about how to teach others to be disciples of Christ. This hurts my heart!
So today it was really cold and I went and spent some time with them, because I don't want them to be invisible anymore. It is to hard to describe what I feel right now, but it's good!
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