I am simply amazed at how good God is to me. Despite all my inadequacies, character flaws, pride, and failures His grace has the ability to completely transform my heart over and over again. I am overcome with humility that he could use my mess of a life for His glory and His Kingdom. It is my hearts prayer that I may live a life in response to this amazing love. Not a life lived out of obedience and habit but of pure love for my God who has loved me so much than I could ever understand. I am amazed that He has the ability to give me the strength I need when I am so weak, the reminder that I am His child when I am feeling insecure, and the ability to smack me when I am so full of myself. When I am overwhelmed by my sin upon sin it is Him that reminds me that He has covered me with His grace upon grace. What an amazing God!!!
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